Sunday, March 29, 2015

New to Me "L"

For this challenge: ....

This is the envelope I send my timesheet in! LOL!! I hope someone at the office likes it!

New to me tangles: Lealad; Lolo; Loveline; Luv-A

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

claiming my blog

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Friday, January 2, 2015


I'm going to *try* to keep up with an art challenge. Journal 52. The prompt for the first week is "Pathways". This is what I did for this. 

The path to your own destiny lies within the magic of your own heart.

I am thinking about adding shading to the black and white sections, but I haven't really decided yet. The original idea was a swami or fortune teller with a turban gazing into a crystal ball and saying "The path...." Think the old fashioned 'put a quarter in and get your fortune' booth they had at the fair.

Journal 52:

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Mail Call!!

Zentangle, zendoodle, doodle. or just plain squiggles and lines! Size can be up to 5 by 7 inches (127 mm by 178 mm). Send postcards, mail art, etc.

Entries will be documented here: and will participate in the Art Abandonment Project. This project randomly gives art to strangers to brighten their day. (All addresses will be blacked out, unless you request otherwise). Art will be left in places like doctor's offices, cancer centers, train stations and anyplace where people can use a smile and a little cheer.

Time: November 7, 2014 to May 7, 2015

Please send mail art to:
Mail Call
c/o Prairie Kittin
 2870 NE Hogan Rd, Ste E, Box 410
Gresham, OREGON 97030 USA