Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Mail Call!!

Zentangle, zendoodle, doodle. or just plain squiggles and lines! Size can be up to 5 by 7 inches (127 mm by 178 mm). Send postcards, mail art, etc.

Entries will be documented here: http://tangledmailart.blogspot.com/ and will participate in the Art Abandonment Project. This project randomly gives art to strangers to brighten their day. (All addresses will be blacked out, unless you request otherwise). Art will be left in places like doctor's offices, cancer centers, train stations and anyplace where people can use a smile and a little cheer.

Time: November 7, 2014 to May 7, 2015

Please send mail art to:
Mail Call
c/o Prairie Kittin
 2870 NE Hogan Rd, Ste E, Box 410
Gresham, OREGON 97030 USA

Friday, November 28, 2014

Brown Sugar: Horse of Another Carver event

December 13th is the National Day of the Horse. 2014 is the year of the horse.

So, I carved a stamp for the occasion and am planting a letterbox on the 13th.

I'm thinking of planting it somewhere near that big horse statue in Troutdale by the truck stops. If it's still there. I haven't been down that way lately, but I remember something about the boot store closing. I have a couple of weeks to think of a good place to plant it.

Here is the event:

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Decided on a whim to go letterboxing today. It was good to get out in the fresh air. Sadie is proving to be a wonderful dog. She always comes when I call her. I don't have to worry about her getting lost. Still not clear on the whole leash thing.

She's socializing pretty well. She's going to have to learn to bond with me a little more if she's going to be a therapy dog for me. I don't know much about what I'm doing, so I'm hoping I'm training her right. I don't really "train" a dog, I just talk to her and treat her like one of my kids, and it usually works out. It did with Suzy, anyway. She is the best "nurse dog" ever. But, at 14 years old or more, she can barely see and is almost deaf. It's time to retire and let the new generation take over.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

e coli AGAIN

I know the e. colis are back. I can smell them!

Seriously, I need to go back to the doctor AGAIN because the infection is back.


Samhain altar 2014

Someone asked for photos of my 2014 Samhain altar. So, here goes:

 This is an overview of most of the altar. There are purple 'fairy lights' lighting it up, but you can't really see them in this picture.
 Mother made a Halloween card for me at Day Care. The "Tits forward" lady is Steve's Goddess icon.
 The Winged Lady is my Goddess icon. Yes, it used to be a hood ornament. ;-)
 Amethyst cathedral, Witch of the moment, candle holder, God candle, obsidian heart on candle holder.
 My wand. Copper, wrapped in leather, with a brass end cap and crystal point.
 The green wand belongs to Morgana. The "Witch Kittin" bead is from Fry Kitty. The feather is red tail hawk, one of my totems.
 From Fry Kitty. Close up of the beads.
 King Goblin seemed like the perfect bottle to hold the beads. The black cat candle was made by an artist at NW Creations.
 The skull card was given to me in a twinchie swap! The key was a gift from my granddaughter.
 On the Illuminati box, we have my Goddess stone, the black cat candle, and another key that my granddaughter gave me. (I have a 'thing' for keys). Also here, you can see one of my crystal balls and an onyx egg.
 The small stone by the skeleton's foot is a meteorite. The skull is the top of the key from Desi. The larger gazing ball is obsidian. The smoky quartz is a God stone.
 Another key with a "Happy Rock" sitting on the top of it. More crystal balls.
 Better view of the "Happy Rock". A copper scorpion that my son-in-law made. The 'earth man' in from of Pan holds a small pine cone.
 In this candle holder is an opal egg. The hair that Pan wears on his horns is mine... pre-cancer.
 What witch's altar is complete without a broom? Also in this picture is the rain stick and the Kokopelli rattle. The African drum is named Tabika.
 On top of Tabika is another black egg (not sure if this is obsidian, but I think so), my clear prism athame, an 'seeing eye' stone, the Samhain tree with keys on it, and my pride and joy.... that little sandstone rock on the green base is from The Oracle at Delphi!!! A friend of mine picked it up and brought it back to me when she visited there!
 Below the altar are New Years wishes and resolutions.
 Time witch.

Dinner is served!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Well, I made it past the 11s. I didn't do so well this year, but I'm still here, so I guess that's something! LOL!! I fell yesterday. I slipped on the bottom 3 steps at the Broadway Building downtown. Fell onto the cement and partway into the hedges. Ouchie. I re-injured the same knee that I hurt letterboxing last summer. It wasn't healed yet, and now it's hurt again! I skinned up my knee and my elbow, got some bruises, and..... I have to go get my 2 front teeth pulled today at 2:00. :-(

I'm going to make some pretty art to abandon at the oral surgeon's office. Pictures when it's done.....

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Musings and ramblings

I like flipping through my old art journals. The art is mine. It's my style. It's comfortable, like talking with an old friend.

A major block to my art work and creativity is my mother. I KNOW she doesn't mean it the way I take it, but when she looks at something I'm drawing and says, "What's that supposed to represent?", it hurts my feelings. I can't help it.

Now, she wants me to draw a portrait of her. No way in hell!!! She doesn't understand or like my art. I refuse to open myself up to that kind of criticism. Nope. Sorry.

July hit with its heat wave, finally. It's hot, but at least the heat doesn't hurt like cold does. (I have lingering side effects of chemotherapy, including nueropathy and joint degeneration. Both of which are aggravated by the cold). The heat makes me sleepy.

And, on that note, I think I'm going to go take a nap! I'll leave you with this. Deathmark is a wonderful book by Kim Antieau. I did the cover image. The little boy with the yellow aura is my grandson, Kyle.

Nicobar pigeon

Nicobar Pigeon

Done with gel pens and colored pencils. Just doodling, trying to occupy my mind with something other than the situation at hand.

Friday, July 11, 2014

This is dedicated to all those kids in school who said I had cooties. I was a shy little girl, mainly because I found out at a very early age what happens when you "play" with people. I was afraid to play with the other kids, so they rejected me and called me Cootie Girl. They didn't know that I was being sexually abused since the age of 3 or 4. They didn't know that my mother was a hoarder and my house was not a place I could bring a friend to, even if I had one. They didn't understand that there was no safe place for a little girl who desperately wished she had been adopted. It's hard for me to see what they saw and understand their point of view. I can't seem to see them from the perspective of time. Every time I think of those days, I'm a child again and it hurts to go to school almost as much as it hurts to come home.

I made this a long time ago. It's still my favorite Photoshop creation. I don't understand why people sneer at photoshop and treat it like it's an unworthy art form. Doesn't make any sense to me. I worked hard on this piece. It took me a few days to do. When people say, "Oh, it's just photoshop, it's not REAL art", I want to just shake them! LOL!

No love without Moon. No life without Sun.

This is my contribution to a traveling journal. I hope the owner of the journal likes it. Sometimes I look at other people's art and feel that mine just isn't on the same level as theirs. They all use collage and cut and paste techniques. I just like to draw and paint. I don't use embellishments very often.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

I am visiting with my daughter for a few days. I drew this after I got in last night around midnight. 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Music is a world within itself
With a Language we all Understand.


I just figured out how to get music on my phone!! Which means I can have music when I go to the gym! I'll be working out, sweatin' to the oldies!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Hello again!

I haven't been on here in years! I am thinking of resurrecting this blog. I think the last time I was on here was during chemo. My, that seems like such a long time ago!! Hmm...

Anyway, Solstice seems like a good time for new beginnings, or for new re-beginnings, or for resurrecting an old blog.

So... Happy Solstice, Everyone! I will see you soon.....